Easy breakfast ideas for skilled laborers to fight cold and flu season

As the weather cools down, cold and flu season ramps up. Adequately fuelling your body with the proper nutrients to support immune health is vital for preventing viral and bacterial infections. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and incorporating foods like citrus fruits, high-quality proteins, and healthy fats are simple ways to boost immune function and provide the energy your body needs to tackle a full day’s work on the site.

Food and immunity

Over 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, meaning that the food you eat is one of the most effective ways to enhance your body’s natural ability to fight colds and the flu. Your diet can provide the appropriate nutrients in the proper concentrations to support optimal immune function—or it can ultimately hinder it. Beyond colds and the flu, an immune-boosting diet can also impact your susceptibility to illnesses like tumor cells and cancers. 

Apart from feeling like absolute garbage when you’re sick, illness also causes you to lose time on the job, which can create additional stress for you and your company. As such, a well-rounded and delicious diet is the easiest way to prevent getting sick in the first place.

7 immune-boosting nutrients to build a better breakfast

1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits contain some of the highest concentrations of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which are essential to fight off viruses and prevent their spreading. It’s also crucial for preventing and treating systemic and respiratory infections.  

Best food picks: Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and tangerines. 

2. Protein

Protein is critical for supporting immune health, as well as muscle growth, recovery, and maintenance. Adequate protein intake helps your body build antibodies, increase white blood cell production, and fight off viruses. Protein keeps your cells active and helps create new ones. Essentially, it helps act as an immune system messenger, telling your immune cells where to go and what to do. 

Best food picks: Eggs, lean meats, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy, and beans/legumes. Clean protein powders are also a suitable alternative.

3. Spices

Spices are known as “medicinal plants” in many cultures, as they’re packed full of flavor and have immune health-boosting properties. They have applications in anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, wound-healing, antimutagenic, and even anticancer treatments.

For example, cinnamon is packed with antioxidants, cardamom reduces blood pressure, nutmeg prevents heart disease and diabetes, and turmeric aids digestion and detoxes your liver. 

Spices, in general, have a wide range of benefits that ultimately help boost overall health, including the immune system. 

Best food picks: Cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg, cardamom, cayenne pepper, coriander.

4. Whole grains

When your body is regular, your immune system has the best chance of being effective—whole grains help with that.

By regulating your gut and controlling inflammation, whole grains also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and even help you maintain a healthy weight. Whole grains also provide vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients to your digestive system, reducing inflammation and allowing your immune system to function at its best.

Best food picks: Barley, farro, quinoa, rice, cracked wheat, and oats. 

5. Healthy fats

Healthy fats are packed full of anti-inflammatory compounds that mitigate inflammation in the body and support a healthy immune response. However, choosing the right kinds of fat is essential—omega-3 fatty acids offer more potent benefits for immune health than pro-inflammatory omega-6s. If consuming saturated fat, ensure it’s coming from grass-fed or pastured animal sources or organic dairy.

Like whole grains, healthy fats also help regulate gut health. A healthy gut supports healthy immune responses, and a regulated gut microbiome also enhances nutrient absorption.

Best food picks: Avocado/avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, full-fat dairy, fatty fish, chia seeds, flax seeds, eggs, almonds, edamame, and grass-fed dairy.

6. Nuts

Nuts are rich in vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, magnesium, and selenium, which are important nutrients for regulating immune responses. More specifically, many nuts are vitamin E-rich, an important free radical scavenger to mitigate oxidative damage, support immune function, and improve immune response. 

Best food picks: Macadamia nuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, and walnuts. For the most benefits, reach for raw nuts over roasted.

7. Fish

Cold-water fatty fish contain some of the highest concentrations of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which help reduce inflammation and support robust immune responses. Fish is also a great source of protein and other essential nutrients, such as selenium.

Best food picks: Salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies, halibut, tuna, and rainbow trout. 

Immune-boosting breakfasts to try

If you’re looking to spice up your breakfast (quite literally) and support immune health while doing it, here are five great breakfast options we’d recommend you try. 

1. Spicy chickpea avocado toast: Nadia’s Healthy Kitchen plays on the classic brunch dish and combines protein-packed chickpeas, healthy fat-rich avocado, and vitamin-rich spices for a delicious and hearty breakfast that’ll keep you satiated and energized all day. 

2. Creamy orange overnight oats: This whole-grain-heavy option is high in fiber to support gut health and contains citrus fruit for a punch of antioxidants. 

3. Spinach and feta scrambled egg pitas: This simple hand-held breakfast recipe is packed full of protein and healthy fats from the egg and feta and a good dose of vitamins and minerals from spinach. For a little extra protein, we recommend adding some sliced steak. 

4. One-pan egg and peppers: Eggs are among the most nutrient-dense foods, offering a combination of protein, healthy fats, and plenty of vitamins and minerals. Peppers add a good dose of vitamin C, while chickpeas provide plant-based protein and fiber. For a vegan option, substitute tofu for eggs.  

5. Wellness smoothie: Smoothies are an ultra-convenient way to pack maximum nutrition into a portable meal. This immune-boosting option from Ambitious Kitchen includes ginger, turmeric, spinach, pineapple, and black pepper for a hefty dose of immune-supporting nutrients and antioxidants.

The bottom line

With a busy work schedule, your health can sometimes feel like a last priority. These breakfasts are a simple, nutrient-dense way to start your day, providing your immune system with what it needs to thrive. That way, you don’t have to think about it and can focus on the task at hand.

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